Can a Container Lemon Tree Recover If Blown Over?

Can a Container Lemon Tree Recover If Blown Over?

Can a Container Lemon Tree Recover If Blown Over?

Strong winds can get you unaware, blowing potted lemon trees. Until the damage is severe, a container-grown lemon tree will recover when given the right care. Lemon trees (Citrus limon), particularly dwarf varieties, make very good container trees for indoor areas, outdoor patios and porches. They’re hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.

Assessing the Damage

As long as the major trunk is not broken, the lemon tree will probably recover. If the trunk was snapped under the branches, the tree is not likely to recover and you should replace it. If the bud is not damaged, then recovery is as simple as standing up the tree and replacing any soil that dropped out. If the bud is broken or cracked, you’ll have to replant the lemon tree.


When handling the lemon tree through replanting, pick it up by the root ball, as opposed to by the trunk or canopy. Remove the broken bud from the main ball and roll the tree on a tarp. Lemon trees need very good drainage to prevent root rot. When selecting a new grass, make certain it has drainage holes in the bottom. Using a high-quality potting soil devised for great drainage will help stop the soil from becoming soggy. Add enough soil to the base of the pot so that when you plant the tree, then the foundation of the trunk is level with the lip of the grass.


Pruning damaged branches is important to prevent infection. Begin by removing any broken divisions by creating clean cuts several inches past the website of the split. When removing broken branches, check how much exposure the trunk and major limbs are getting. If they are exposed, put the potted lemon tree on a porch or other shaded area to minimize sun damage. During hot weather, protecting the damaged tree from direct sunlight will speed recovery and help reduce stress.


Prevention is the best way to protect container-grown lemon trees from damage. Large containers with broad bases are less inclined to drop, even in heavy winds. Half barrels make great planters for lemon trees so long as you don’t have to move them around frequently. Removing excess fruit will reduce the quantity of weight on top of the tree. If your lemon is in a small bud that isn’t hard to move, move it to a protected place when you expect high winds.

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