The way to Lube the Rear End of a MTD Riding Mower

The way to Lube the Rear End of a MTD Riding Mower

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The way to Lube the Rear End of a MTD Riding Mower

Part of owning a costly bit of lawn-care equipment such as an MTD riding mower is maintaining it properly to protect your financial expense. Proper lubrication of the rear end is component of the maintenance regime you should not ignore. The continuous vibration of this mower during operation causes the machine’s parts to rub against one another. Providing adequate lubrication helps reduce wear and tear and extends the life span of these parts.

Park the mower on a level surface, place the parking brake and remove the key in the ignition. Remove the spark plug wire from the spark plug to prevent accidental ignition of this mower.

Grease the rear wheel pliers using a squirt of grease with a spray gun. Do this once annually at the beginning of the season to help prevent moisture-induced rust into the metal parts. Without proper lubrication, the wheel assembly can stick quickly to the axle beam.

Add a few drops of SAE 30 motor oil to each of the pivot points on the linkage. Be certain to incorporate that the brake pedal, clutch and lift linkage. MTD recommends performing this lubrication every 10 hours of use and prior to storing the riding mower away following the mowing season.
